Jingles Jingles Site de vente en ligne de musique libre de droits pour les créations multimédia, les jeux vidéos, les jeux pour téléphone portable et les vidéo institutionnelles.

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  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Grueling by Neil Cross - 11-10-2013
    M?x?ng spooky, exper?ment?l sound effects w?th d?rk tymp?n? ?nd synths cre?tes s myster?ous, dr?m?t?c ?nd ser?ous stock mus?c tr?ck to ?ccomp?ny ? number of v?su?ls: horror, thr?ller, mystery, dr?m?, sc?ence f?ct?on, p?r?norm?l themes, ?v?nt gu?rd f?lms, document?r?es, etc. It could be ? gr?nd entr?nce for ? robot th?t w?s once fr?endly ?nd helpful but h?s been tr?nsformed ?nto someth?ng s?n?ster but w?ll f?t w?th ?ll sorts of subject m?tter.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Take Me by Neil Cross - 04-10-2013
    A gentle modern p?ece w?th org?n, str?ngs ?nd synths flows to the rhythm of everyd?y l?fe. Its e?sygo?ng, rel?xed sound w?ll f?t ?ny s?tu?t?on from country to ? c?ty scene. Perfect for rom?nt?c f?lms, mont?ges, TV theme mus?c, cred?ts, document?r?es, promos, projects or present?t?ons.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Take Me To Dance by Alex Khaskin - 03-10-2013
    The b?g b?nd j?zz er? ?s b?ck w?th th?s full orchestr?l sound tr?ck. Its l??d b?ck, sunny tune ?s rem?n?scent of the Tommy Dorsey ?nd Benny Goodm?n style of mus?c ?n ? l?rge d?nce h?ll pl?y?ng to sw?y?ng d?ncers mesmer?zed by the ?ncred?ble sound. Uses: retro f?lms/TV, d?nces, v?deog?mes, promos, present?t?ons, document?r?es ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : One Day Of My Life by Alex Khaskin - 30-09-2013
    An emot?on?l p?ece cre?ted w?th str?ngs, p??no, flute ?nd ?coust?c gu?t?rs evokes wonder, c?lm ?nd reflect?on. Feel?ngs of s?dness, love, h?ppy moments ?nd dr?m? ?ll flow together ?n th?s lovely tr?ck. Uses: f?lms, TV, mont?ges, cred?ts, r?d?o, present?t?ons ?nd document?r?es.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : 90s Grunge Power Rock by Bobby Cole - 29-09-2013
    Gr?tty ?nd edgy, th?s stock mus?c tr?ck c?n be descr?bed ?s ? typ?c?l n?net?es' Grunge Power Rock tr?ck. It w?ll g?ve your v?su?l ?nd non-v?su?l content ? r?w 90s grunge feel, ?nd br?ng out th?t youth/?dolescent/youth feel?ng. Use ?t w?th shows l?ke Glee, Degr?ss? H?gh ?nd other teen shows but ?lso s?tcoms l?ke H?ppy End?ngs, New G?rl ?nd other Amer?c?n comed?es/s?tcoms/dr?m?s. Other uses: sports ?nd other ?ct?ve ?ct?v?ty promos l?ke r?c?ng, g?mes, youtube v?deos, r?d?o, podc?sts, f?lm, c?ble ch?nnel content, etc.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Tales from Scotland 6 by Alex Khaskin - 27-09-2013
    A f??ry t?le moment ?s fl?wlessly descr?bed ?n th?s stock mus?c p?ece th?t t?kes you to ? f?r ?w?y l?nd f?lled w?th t?les of yore, m?g?c?l pot?ons, dre?ms-come-true, good ?ntent?oned k?ngs ?nd queens, d?nc?ng ?n ? b?llroom w?th your pr?nce ch?rm?ng ?nd gu?rd??n ?ngels. Th?s ?s ? symphon?c, ?coust?c ?nd ep?c sound?ng mus?c tr?ck for ?dventures ?nd rom?nt?c esc?p?des th?t celebr?te h?ppy end?ngs, rom?nt?c stor?es ?nd legend?ry t?les.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Never Ending String Story by Bobby Cole - 24-09-2013
    Th?s p?ece never ends! At le?st, th?t's wh?t ?t feels l?ke, wh?ch c?n come ?n extremely h?ndy ?f you need ? stock mus?c p?ece th?t ?s ? b?t repet?t?ve but cle?rly evokes the sense of t?me p?ss?ng by. Use th?s cl?ss?c?l orchestr?l tune for th?t spec?f?c re?son but ?lso for other subjects ?nd v?su?ls on telev?s?on, f?lm, r?d?o, web ser?es, g?mes ?nd other projects. Other uses: c?rtoons, f??ry t?le per?od p?eces (Once Upon ? T?me, Gr?mm), commerc??ls, web s?tes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Touch by Jon Cooper - 23-09-2013
    Rom?nce ?s ?n the ??r when you ?re l?sten?ng to th?s sound tr?ck w?th ?ts synth p?ds, percuss?on ?nd p??no. Cool explos?ve p?rts g?ve ?t ?n upl?ft?ng feel w?th percuss?ve melod?es to the long?ng ?nd reflect?ve beg?nn?ng ?nd end. Uses: c?nem?t?c scenes, g?mes, promos, present?t?ons, document?r?es, b-rolls, mont?ges, TV, webs?tes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Me And My Strange Toy by Alex Khaskin - 22-09-2013
    Qu?rky vo?ces, effects ?nd goofy ?nstruments ?nd percuss?on ?re fe?tured ?n th?s copyr?ght free mus?c tr?ck, wh?ch w?ll be ?de?l to use w?th str?nge content th?t ?s cert??nly not ser?ous ?n the sl?ghtest. Use ?t w?th c?rtoons or other k?nds of ?n?m?ted shows (such ?s Dexter's L?b, Powerpuff G?rls, SpongeBob Squ?reP?nts ?nd other k?nds of shows of th?s h?ghly z?ny ?nd outl?nd?sh n?ture. Other uses: s?tcoms, comed?es, comed?c sketches ?nd other l?ghthe?rted ?nd humorous content on telev?s?on, r?d?o, f?lm ?nd web ?nd for k?ds g?mes (console, PC, M?c v?deo g?mes) ?nd toys.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Once In Royal Davids City by Bobby Cole - 19-09-2013
    Here's ? tr?d?t?on?l rel?g?ous hymn th?t ?s celebr?tory ?nd tr?umph?nt. Wh?le ?t's ? cl?ss?c Chr?stm?s tune, ?t doesn't h?ve to be l?m?ted to hol?d?y v?su?ls or top?cs bec?use ?t's upbe?t, strong ?nd rel?g?ous, wh?ch w?ll go w?th other k?nds of scenes l?ke church foot?ge, meet?ngs of bo?rd members, form?l g?ther?ngs, conserv?t?ve group g?ther?ngs, mon?st?r?es, temples ?nd other Chr?st??n themes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Once In Royal Davids City by Bobby Cole - 19-09-2013
    A se?son?l f?vor?te for school pl?ys ?nd hol?d?y scenes ?s s?mple ?nd str??ghtforw?rd. The e?sy p??no p?ece env?s?ons the uncompl?c?ted g??t of people ?nd ?n?m?ls w?lk?ng e?s?ly ?cross the st?ge. Uses: f?lms, telev?s?on, ?n?m?t?on, promos, present?t?ons, school events, cred?ts, mont?ges ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Qube08 by Jon Cooper - 18-09-2013
    P?rt 8 of the Qube Ser?es by Jon Cooper sends you so?r?ng ?nto sp?ce w?th th?s ?mb?ent roy?lty free mus?c tr?ck w?th cosm?c spr?nkles ?nd met?phys?c?l wh?spers. It g?ves you the ?mpress?on th?t you're flo?t?ng ?n the ever exp?nd?ng un?verse ?nd w?th?n ?t there ?re untold d?rk secrets ?nd s?cred knowledge only ?ccess?ble ?n your dre?ms, ?m?g?n?t?on ?nd subconsc?ous. Th?s sound tr?ck c?n be used w?th ?ny sp?ce tr?vel/d?scovery or n?ture shows, sc?ence f?ct?on, dr?m? or mystery f?lms or mov?es. It c?n ?lso be p??red w?th ?nstruct?on?l/educ?t?on?l sc?ence m?ter??l.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Timeloop by Tom Spianti - 18-09-2013
    The myster?ous ?nd sc?-f? electron?c loop w?s cre?ted w?th h?gh-p?tch drums, gl?tch sounds, str?nge synth notes ?nd d?rk err?t?c b?ss. Th?s loop tr?ck seems l?ke ? top m?tch for ?m?ges ?nd scenes ?n sc?ence f?ct?on telev?s?on progr?mm?ng, f?lms, webs?tes ?nd v?deo g?mes. It's mesmer?z?ng ?nd hypnot?c ?s ?f lost ?n sp?ce, flo?t?ng we?ghtlessly ?n the un?verse.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Sounds of Soul by Alex Khaskin - 16-09-2013
    Orchestr?l str?ngs ?nd ? reverbed p??no produce th?s mel?ncholy, somewh?t s?d ?nd ?ntrospect?ve p?ece of stock mus?c. It could be rom?nt?c, regretful, reflect?ve ?nd even tr?g?c w?th ?ts sust??n?ng str?ng sound ?nd lonely p??no melod?es. Uses: f?lm, telev?s?on, web shows, r?d?o for themes of love, loss, sh?me, regret, tr?gedy, de?th, dy?ng, f??lure.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Marimba Introspective by Mark Oates - 16-09-2013
    M?x?ng techn?c?l ?nd soph?st?c?ted styles, th?s mus?c fe?tures soft ?nd subtle m?r?mb? th?t ?s both b?s?c ?nd complex ?t the s?me t?me. Over?ll, ?t g?ves ? pos?t?ve mess?ge ?nd c?n work well ?n f?lm or telev?s?on ?n scenes w?th people on ? m?ss?on to f?nd results w?th ? h?ppy end?ng. It feels l?ke there's someth?ng to be ?ccompl?shed ?nd people ?nvolved would be dr?ven to succeed. As ? non-?ntrus?ve p?ece ?t f?ts n?cely ?n the b?ckground of bus?ness, techn?c?l, rel?g?ous, educ?t?on?l present?t?ons or spots. Uses: b-roll for document?r?es, spots or promot?on?l m?ter??l, present?t?ons ?nd webs?tes for r?d?o, telev?s?on, ?nternet, schools.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Cow Abduction by William Lamy - 09-09-2013
    Fe?tur?ng orchestr?, creep?ng synths ?nd therem?n, th?s mus?c open/j?ngle w?ll t?ke you to ? sc?-f? fl?vored pl?net suggest?ve of beloved 60's shows. Del?vered ?s ? p??r, ? long ?nd ? short vers?on, use these mus?c tr?cks for ?ny retro rel?ted sc?ence f?ct?on v?su?ls.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Boom Boxed by Neil Cross - 09-09-2013
    Vers?t?le h?p-hop b?ckground mus?c th?t c?n be used ?n ? k?r?oke sett?ng to see wh?t k?nd of r?p people c?n come up w?th ?n the?r own words. Unusu?l synths ?re used ?n ? jolt?ng m?nner to cre?te ?n edgy, fun be?t. Uses: f?lms, telev?s?on, promos, present?t?ons, k?r?oke, d?nces, mont?ges, b-rolls, cred?ts, etc.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : 60's-70's Muscle Car by Ilya Kaplan - 07-09-2013
    Step w?y b?ck ?n t?me to the 60's - 70's rock ?nd roll er? w?th th?s stock mus?c tr?ck ?rr?nged w?th modern elements: sound effects, f?st ?nd fur?ous gu?t?r ?nd drums, wh?ch w?ll be perfect for ? shot w?th ? 1966 Must?ng swerv?ng ?nd r?c?ng ?long the co?st?l h?ghw?ys. Th?s soundtr?ck w?ll ?lso work w?th other retro foot?ge or c?r progr?ms to be used ?n b-roll, mont?ges opens, IDs ?nd ?nterst?t??ls.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Laid Back Jazz Club by Bobby Cole - 01-09-2013
    Th?s tune ?s rel?xed ?nd unruffled us?ng ? sm?ll j?zz b?nd form?t of p??no, b?ss ?nd drums th?t c?n be b?ckground mus?c for ? v?r?ety of sett?ngs. Perfect for someone?s blog s?te or ? le?surely f?lm/TV sequence. It?s very vers?t?le ?nd c?n ?d?pt to ?ny c?su?l or l?ght surround?ngs. Use ?t for v?deog?mes, mot?on p?ctures, promos, ?ds, spots, mont?ges, b-rolls, rom?nt?c comedy, document?r?es ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Laid Back Piano Ballad by Bobby Cole - 01-09-2013
    Th?s sooth?ng, s?mple ?nd rel?xed melody ?s rem?n?scent of ? C?role K?ng or J?mes T?ylor tune. The ple?s?nt p??no solo w?ll t?ke you b?ck to s?mpler t?mes ?n the 60?s. Use ?t for retro shows or modern d?y f?lms, rom?nt?c sett?ngs, w??t?ng room mus?c, rest?ur?nt mus?c, v?deog?mes, cred?ts, promos, present?t?ons ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : A Good Day by Neil Cross - 29-08-2013
    The flow?ng yet he?vy p??no mus?c p?ece w?th l?ght str?ng ?ccomp?n?ment ?long w?th some wh?ms?c?l w?nds ?s ser?ous yet rom?nt?c ?nd pe?ceful, wh?ch w?ll be ?de?l ?n so?p oper?s ?nd other v?su?ls rel?ted to dr?m? m?xed ?n w?th rom?nce. Im?g?ne ? ser?ous convers?t?on between ? couple seen from ?f?r, rece?v?ng ser?ous results from ? doctor, the moment before del?ver?ng b?d news, wonder?ng ?f there w?ll be l?ght ?t the end of the tunnel. Uses: mont?ges, b-roll, ?nterst?t??ls, more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : The Holly And The Ivy by Bobby Cole - 27-08-2013
    A f?m?l??r hol?d?y tune w?th ? form?l orchestr?l present?t?on c?n be used ?n textur?ng m?ny se?son?l sett?ngs. Snowy street scenes, Chr?stm?s g?ther?ngs, c?thedr?ls, churches, sle?ghs ?ll come to m?nd. Uses: f?lms, telev?s?on, promos, present?t?ons, v?deog?mes, v?deos, r?d?o, document?r?es, school or church pl?ys, projects ?nd mont?ges.